A Nordic Open Access Research Journal

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The aim of MIC is to present Nordic research activities in the field of modeling, identification and control to the international scientific community. Historically, the articles published in MIC presented the results of research carried out in Norway, or sponsored primarily by a Norwegian institution. Since 2009 the journal also accepts papers from the other Nordic countries. See also this flyer.

Since February 2009 recent issues of MIC are available in print but the entire collection of articles is also available on this website for download at no charge. In the period July 2006 to February 2009 the journal existed in electronic format by subscription and before 2006 only in paper format (ISSN: 0332-7353). The journal was founded in 1980 by Professor Jens G. Balchen at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU.

Why Publish in MIC? MIC strives to only publish articles of high academic quality. Each article published in MIC has been refereed by at least two internationally recognised specialists within the field. MIC articles are available for free download on the Internet, and the published articles are guaranteed the widest possible audience. MIC strives to complete timely reviews of submitted articles. MIC participates in DOI to achieve permanent and stable web references. The MIC journal is ranked as publication level 1 in Norway.

Non-profit Journal: MIC is operated as a non-profit, open access journal and is entirely based on voluntary contributions from the editors and reviewers. MIC does not charge a publication fee. This policy is only possible by limiting the number of articles submitted for review. MIC achieves this by having geograpical profile, see the 'For Authors' page.

Review: Each submitted article will initially be reviewed by the editor and/or the editorial secretary. If the article passes the initial review, it will be reviewed in a second step by the closest discipline editor and two internationally recognised experts in the field. All reviews in MIC are anonymous and the journal strives to avoid any conflict of interest in the review process.

Latest editorial: Vol. 38, No. 2

Most Recent MIC Articles:
Vol. 46, No. 1:
1.Tajana Nepal, Thomas Øyvang, Diwakar Bista and Roshan Sharma, “Dynamic model for control of Variable Speed Hydropower Plant”, pp. 1-11
2.Rolf Ergon, “Errors-in-variables and validation problems in reaction norm predictions for wild populations”, pp. 13-33
Vol. 45, No. 4:
1.Ronny Landsverk, Jing Zhou and Daniel Hagen, “Antiswing Control and Trajectory Planning for Offshore Cranes: Design and Experiments”, pp. 115-126
2.Luka Grgičević, “Multi-Agent Maritime Traffic Simulator”, pp. 127-136
3.Hans K.R. Holen, Torbjørn Smith and Olav Egeland, “Robust Camera Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences Using GNC”, pp. 137-146
4.Tor Hennum, Øyvind Kåre Kjerstad and Ann R. Nerheim, “Cost-Optimal Fuel Utilization, Genset Configuration and Battery Sizing: A Case-Study of a Norwegian Trawler”, pp. 147-173
Vol. 45, No. 3:
1.Kushila Jayamanne and Bernt Lie, “Optimal Control Architecture for Balancing Performance and Cost in Oil and Gas Production Systems”, pp. 81-95
2.Bedia Akyar, Ayse Kara Hansen and Sultan Selcuk Sutlu, “A Stability Study by Routh-Hurwitz Criterion and Gershgorin Circles for Covid-19”, pp. 97-103
3.Ibrahim Abubakar, Atte Putkonen, Marek Rehtla, Tuomo Lindh, Stijn Derammelaere and Niko Nevaranta, “Optimizing PID Controller Design for Rotor Systems Suspended by Active Magnetic Bearings”, pp. 105-114
Vol. 45, No. 2:
1.Changhun Jeong, Beathe Furenes and Roshan Sharma, “Stochastic Sequential Model Predictive Control for Operating Buffer Reservoir in Hjartdøla Hydropower System under Uncertainty”, pp. 41-50
2.Trym A. Nygård, Nicholas Dalhaug, Rudolf Mester, Edmund Brekke and Annette Stahl, “Stereo Camera-based Free Space Estimation for Docking in Urban Waters”, pp. 51-63
3.Nima Janatian, Stein Krogstad and Roshan Sharma, “Investigating the performance of Robust Daily Production Optimization against a combined well-reservoir model”, pp. 65-80
Vol. 45, No. 1:
1.Lene Æsøy, Houxiang Zhang and Ann R. Nerheim, “Specific Fuel Oil Consumption Models for Simulating Energy Consumption of Wellboats”, pp. 1-14
2.Fetullah Atas, Grzegorz Cielniak and Lars Grimstad, “CostTrust: A Fast-Exploring, Iteratively Expanding Frontier-Based Kinodynamic Motion Planner”, pp. 15-28
3.Finn Matras and Morten D. Pedersen, “On the Necessity of Dynamic Inflow”, pp. 29-39
Vol. 44, No. 4:
1.Daniel Schäle, Martin Fodstad Stølen and Erik Kyrkjebø, “Programming Fine Manufacturing Tasks on Collaborative Robots: A Case Study on Industrial Gluing”, pp. 141-154