“Stochastic Modelling and Self Tuning Control of a Continuous Cement Raw Material Mixing System”
Authors: T. Westerlund, Hannu T. Toivonen and K-E Nyman,Affiliation: Åbo Akademi, Finland and Oy Partek, Finland
Reference: 1980, Vol 1, No 1, pp. 17-37.
Keywords: Stochastic modelling, self-tuning control, adaptive control, computer control, stochastic control, self-adjusting systems, cement industry, chemical variables control
Abstract: The control of a continuously operating system for cement raw material mixing is studied. The purpose of the mixing system is to maintain a constant composition of the cement raw meal for the kiln despite variations of the raw material compositions. Experimental knowledge of the process dynamics and the characteristics of the various disturbances is used for deriving a stochastic model of the system. The optimal control strategy is then obtained as a minimum variance strategy. The control problem is finally solved using a self-tuning minimum variance regulator, and results from a successful implementation of the regulator are given.

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title={{Stochastic Modelling and Self Tuning Control of a Continuous Cement Raw Material Mixing System}},
author={Westerlund, T. and Toivonen, Hannu T. and Nyman, K-E},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}