“VOR - Calibration by an Airborne Integrated Navigation System”
Authors: Tore Smestad,Affiliation: Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Reference: 1980, Vol 1, No 1, pp. 51-65.
Keywords: Avionics, VOR, calibration, inertial navigation, integrated navigation, Kalman filtering, sensitivity analysis, modelling errors
Abstract: A simulation study of a possible application of modern control theory is presented. The problem is to check and calibrate a VOR-station from a circling aircraft. An accurate position estimate of the circling aircraft is needed in order to calculate the errors in the received VOR-signals. The position estimate is here obtained from an integrated navigation system using an inertial navigation system (INS), a laser range-finder, angle measurements on the laser line-of-sight, and barometer readings. The range and angle measurements are fed to a Kalman filter which estimates errors in the navigation system. Simulation results show that satisfactory accuracy is obtained by this method. The paper presents a description of the proposed system, the simulation model used, simulation results and some sensitivity analysis.

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title={{VOR - Calibration by an Airborne Integrated Navigation System}},
author={Smestad, Tore},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}