“Nuclear-Reaction Control by Multistage Mathematical-Programming”
Authors: Kjell Haugset and Ilkka Leikkonen,Affiliation: Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
Reference: 1980, Vol 1, No 2, pp. 119-133.
Keywords: Pressurized water reactor, optimal control, power distribution, hard constraints
Abstract: The method of Multistage Mathematical Programming (MMP) has been adapted for optimal control of the spatial power distribution in nuclear reactors. Changes in power distribution arise from variations in the operational conditions of the reactor, and excite oscillations which in large reactors may approach the stability limit.

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title={{Nuclear-Reaction Control by Multistage Mathematical-Programming}},
author={Haugset, Kjell and Leikkonen, Ilkka},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}