“Slow Drift-Oscillations of a Ship in Irregular Waves”
Authors: Odd M. Faltinsen and Arne E. Løken,Affiliation: NTNU and Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Reference: 1980, Vol 1, No 4, pp. 195-213.
Keywords: Hydrodynamics, slowly varying wave forces, wave drift forces, strip theory, mooring, potential theory
Abstract: A procedure to calculate horizontal slow drift excitation forces on an infinitely long horizontal cylinder in irregular beam sea waves is presented. The hydrodynamic boundary-value problem is solved correctly to second order in wave amplitude. Results in the form of second order transfer functions are presented for different, two-dimensional shapes. It is concluded that Newman´s approximative method is a practical way to calculate slow drift excitation forces on a ship in beam sea and it is suggested that it may be used in a more general case. Applications of the results for moored ships are discussed.

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title={{Slow Drift-Oscillations of a Ship in Irregular Waves}},
author={Faltinsen, Odd M. and Løken, Arne E.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}