“CYPROS - Cybernetic Program Packages”
Authors: Arne Tyssø,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1980, Vol 1, No 4, pp. 215-229.
Keywords: Computer aided design, computer programming, interactive program, software packages
Abstract: CYPROS is an interactive program system consisting of a number of special purpose packages for simulation, identification, parameter estimation and control system design. The programming language is standard FORTRAN IV and the system is implemented on a medium size computer system (Nord-10). The system is interactive and program control is obtained by the use of numeric terminals. Output is rapidly examined by extensive use of video colour graphics. The subroutines included in the packages are designed and documented according to standardization rules given by the SCL (Scandinavian Control Library) organization. This simplifies the exchange of subroutines throughout the SCL system. Also, this makes the packages attractive for implementation by industrial users. In the simulation package, different integration methods are available and it can be easily used for off-line, as well as real time, simulation problems. The identification package consists of programs for single-input/single-output and multivariablc problems. Both transfer function models and state space models can be handled. Optimal test signals can be designed. The control package consists of programs based on multivariable time domain and frequency domain methods for analysis and design. In addition, there is a package for matrix and time series manipulation. CYPROS has been applied successfully to industrial problems of various kinds, and parts of the system have already been implemented on different computers in industry. This paper will, in some detail, describe the use and the contents of the packages and some examples of application will be discussed.

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title={{CYPROS - Cybernetic Program Packages}},
author={Tyssø, Arne},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}