“A Model of Phytoplankton Growth - Effects of Vertical Mixing and Adaptation to Light”
Authors: Dag Slagstad,Affiliation: SINTEF
Reference: 1982, Vol 3, No 2, pp. 111-130.
Keywords: Modeling, phytoplankton, adaptation, ecosystem, simulation, vertical mixing
Abstract: The OCEAN BIO-MODELS Project is a long term research and development programme whose goal is to establish the capability of producing mathematical/numerical models of a marine ecosystem of the Barents Sea, north of Norway. The system is modeled by a set of submodels describing the physical oceanography, chemical oceanography and production and distribution of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish. In this paper, a phytoplankton model containing light adaptation properties is developed.

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title={{A Model of Phytoplankton Growth - Effects of Vertical Mixing and Adaptation to Light}},
author={Slagstad, Dag},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}