“Disturbance Error Reduction in Multivariable Optimal Control Systems”
Authors: Ole A. Solheim and Ulf Stenhaug,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1983, Vol 4, No 1, pp. 47-62.
Keywords: Multivariable control systems, optimal control, state estimation, feedback, feedforward, frequence response
Abstract: The paper deals with the design of optimal multivariable controllers, using a modified LQR approach. All controllers discussed contain proportional feedback and, in addition, there may be feedforward, integral action or state estimation.

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title={{Disturbance Error Reduction in Multivariable Optimal Control Systems}},
author={Solheim, Ole A. and Stenhaug, Ulf},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}