“Partitioning and Tearing of Networks Applied to Process Flowsheeting”
Authors: Truls Gundersen and Terje Hertzberg,Affiliation: Norsk Hydro and NTNU, Department of Chemical Engineering
Reference: 1983, Vol 4, No 3, pp. 139-165.
Keywords: Decomposition, graph theory, process flowsheeting, modular systems
Abstract: A review of the methods available for identification of the computational sequence in modular process simulators (partitioning and tearing) is followed by the presentation of a new very efficient and close-to-optimal routine for tearing. The problem of partitioning can be solved in computer times that are linear functions of the number of unit modules (vertices in the graph). The algorithm of Johns has been found to execute faster than the later and far better known algorithm of Tarjan. These methods are almost identical in idea but use different techniques in the book-keeping.

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title={{Partitioning and Tearing of Networks Applied to Process Flowsheeting}},
author={Gundersen, Truls and Hertzberg, Terje},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}