“Project Evaluation and Cash Flow Forecasting by Stochastic Simulation”
Authors: Odd A. Asbjørnsen,Affiliation: University of Houston
Reference: 1983, Vol 4, No 4, pp. 237-254.
Keywords: Stochastic, cash flow, simulation, project evaluation, optimal design
Abstract: The net present value of a discounted cash flow is used to evaluate projects. It is shown that the LaPlace transform of the cash flow time function is particularly useful when the cash flow profiles may be approximately described by ordinary linear differential equations in time. However, real cash flows are stochastic variables due to the stochastic nature of the disturbances during production.

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title={{Project Evaluation and Cash Flow Forecasting by Stochastic Simulation}},
author={Asbjørnsen, Odd A.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}