“Recent Progress in the Control of Fish Behavior”
Authors: Jens G. Balchen,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1984, Vol 5, No 2, pp. 113-121.
Keywords: Fish behaviour, control, conditioning, control stimuli, acoustical repulsion, long term storage, fish farming, electrical barrier
Abstract: The paper gives a survey of recent activities in developing techniques for controlling fish behaviour over short and medium distances. The bases for control are described with reference to the sensory system of the fish and a simple model of fish behaviour. It is suggested that an effective way of controlling fish behaviour is by means of conditioning, in which reward or punishment is used in connection with an acoustical or visual signal. A number of possible applications which have been tested in practice are described.

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title={{Recent Progress in the Control of Fish Behavior}},
author={Balchen, Jens G.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}