“Optimal Control of an Offshore Lifting Operation”
Authors: Kåre M. Mjelde, P.C.S. Lee, W. Qvam, H.P. Jacobsen, P. Rooney and F. Tegn,Affiliation: Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Reference: 1984, Vol 5, No 2, pp. 123-128.
Keywords: Optimal Control of an Offshore Lifting Operation
Abstract: The optimal control of an offshore operation is analysed: a hideck which is at rest on a barge is lifted from the barge by means of a partly submerged frame that receives buoyancy by pumping water out of three cylinders connected to the frame. Air is pumped into the cylinders in order to maintain a positive difference between the internal air-pressure and the external water-pressure: for any cylinder, this pressure-difference is possibly critical at certain regions located on the cylinder and on a spherical cupola on the top of it. Optimal pumping rates of water and air as a function of time are determined, such as to minimize the maximum of certain weighted pressure differences at the critical regions, and such as to satisfy given geometrical and dynamical boundary conditions.

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title={{Optimal Control of an Offshore Lifting Operation}},
author={Mjelde, Kåre M. and Lee, P.C.S. and Qvam, W. and Jacobsen, H.P. and Rooney, P. and Tegn, F.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}