“Long Range Transport of Air Pollution Into Norway - A Transfer Function Approach”
Authors: Eivind Damsleth,Affiliation: Norwegian Computing Centre, Oslo
Reference: 1984, Vol 5, No 3, pp. 141-150.
Keywords: Time series, environmental studies, acid rain
Abstract: The daily and monthly concentration of sulphate in the air at Birkcnes in the southern part of Norway is analysed within an intervention analysis and transfer function framework. As input to the model we use the prevailing wind direction. It is shown that when the wind comes mainly from the South, that is from Central Europe and England, this gives a significant increase in the sulphate concentration, while a northern wind leads to a decrease.

DOI forward links to this article:
[1] Eivind Damsleth (1986), doi:10.1016/S0167-5648(08)70783-4 |
[2] Lena Zetterqvist (1991), doi:10.1029/91WR00478 |
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title={{Long Range Transport of Air Pollution Into Norway - A Transfer Function Approach}},
author={Damsleth, Eivind},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}