“Robotics Research in Norway”
Authors: J.R. Hølpødt, T. Wetlesen and H. Håkonsen,Affiliation: Centre for Industrial Research (SI)
Reference: 1984, Vol 5, No 3, pp. 151-170.
Keywords: Robotics, industrial robots, automation, robotics research
Abstract: Except for some districts and industries, the population of industrial robots in Norway is low. Trallfa AS is definitely the largest producer of robots in Norway. Jonas Oglænd A/S formerly produced handling manipulators, but they are now produced abroad. New companies such as NORKYB are developing. In addition to Trallfa and Oglænd, the development of robot systems is done by different research institutes such as the Center for Industrial Research (SI), SINTEF and the Rogaland Research Center (RF). These institutes do research work both for the robot manufacturers and directly for end users.

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title={{Robotics Research in Norway}},
author={Hølpødt, J.R. and Wetlesen, T. and Håkonsen, H.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}