“Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Seismic Impulse Response”
Authors: Bjørn Ursin and O. Holberg,Affiliation: NTNU
Reference: 1985, Vol 6, No 2, pp. 57-73.
Keywords: Maximum-likelihood estimation, seismic data processing, deconvolution
Abstract: A seismic trace is assumed to consist of a known signal pulse convolved with a reflection coefficient series plus a moving average noise process (colored noise). Multiple reflections and reverberations are assumed to be removed from the trace by conventional means. The method of maximum likelihood (ML) is used to estimate the reflection coefficients and the unknown noise parameters. If the reflection coefficients are known from well logs, the seismic pulse and the noise parameters can be estimated.

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title={{Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Seismic Impulse Response}},
author={Ursin, Bjørn and Holberg, O.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}