“Interactive Modeling and Simulation Using Distributed Computers and Graphical Aids”
Authors: Steinar Sælid,Affiliation: Kongsberg Maritime
Reference: 1985, Vol 6, No 4, pp. 257-273.
Keywords: Modeling, computer aided configuration, simulation, distributed data base
Abstract: This paper describes a concept for high level configuration and parametrization of process simulators. The simulator is an integral part of a distributed process control system. This system can be switched from a control mode to a simulation mode where i/o signals are generated by/supplied to a process simulator when the system is set in simulation mode. The system is supported by a set of configuration tools.

DOI forward links to this article:
[1] L. Naess, A. Mjaavatten and J-O. Li (1992), doi:10.1016/S0098-1354(09)80014-8 |
[2] Steinar Sælid (1987), doi:10.4173/mic.1987.4.2 |
[3] L. Naess, A. Mjaavatten and J.-O. Li (1993), doi:10.1016/0098-1354(93)80046-P |
[4] Steinar Salid (2023), doi:10.4173/mic.2023.4.2 |
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title={{Interactive Modeling and Simulation Using Distributed Computers and Graphical Aids}},
author={Sælid, Steinar},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}