“Adaptive Control of Alumina Reduction Cells with Point Feeders”
Authors: John D. Perkins, J.M. Howell and M.P.F. Wong,Affiliation: Imperial College, UK
Reference: 1986, Vol 7, No 2, pp. 57-70.
Keywords: Process dynamics, controllability, switchability, simulation
Abstract: Reasons for considering the dynamics of a new or existing plant are illustrated through a number of industrial examples. Recent work aimed at assessing the effects of process dynamics on plant operability is presented. Two aspects are considered - the ability to maintain a given steady state in the face of disturbances (controllability) and the ability to move between steady states (switchability). Case studies are used to illustrate these concepts, and to demonstrate what is possible with a modern simulation system.

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title={{Adaptive Control of Alumina Reduction Cells with Point Feeders}},
author={Perkins, John D. and Howell, J.M. and Wong, M.P.F.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}