“An Automated System for Incubation of Pelagic Fish Eggs”
Authors: Leif Jørgensen,Affiliation: SINTEF
Reference: 1987, Vol 8, No 1, pp. 47-50.
Keywords: Aquaculture, fish, egg incubation, automation
Abstract: An automated system for incubation of pelagic fish eggs is described. The system has an internal air driven water circulation which separates healthy and dead or strongly infected eggs. A processor controlled, pulsed water exchange provides a strongly reduced water requirement. The equipment has also an automated temperature and salinity control and adjustment.

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title={{An Automated System for Incubation of Pelagic Fish Eggs}},
author={Jørgensen, Leif},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}