“Cartesian Control of a Spray-Painting Robot with Redundant Degrees of Freedom”
Authors: Olav Egeland and Jens G. Balchen,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1987, Vol 8, No 4, pp. 185-199.
Keywords: Robots, kinematically redundant manipulators, non-linear control, optimal control
Abstract: A controller for redundant manipulators with a small, fast manipulator mounted on a positioning part has been developed. The controller distributes the fast motion to the small, fast manipulator and the slow, gross motion to the positioning part. A position reference is generated on-line to the positioning part to avoid singularities and the loss of degrees of freedom. This reference is selected according to an ad hoc procedure which makes the small, fast manipulator work around the centre of its working range. In the control system, the task space position vector is augmented with the generalized coordinates of the positioning part. The resulting augmented task space vector contains a set of generalized coordinates for the manipulator. Feedback linearization and decoupling are applied in the augmented task space to obtain a model consisting of decoupled double integrators. The low and high frequency motion is distributed by controlling the double integrators associated with the end effector with a high bandwidth, while the double integrators associated with the positioning part are controlled with a low bandwidth.

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title={{Cartesian Control of a Spray-Painting Robot with Redundant Degrees of Freedom}},
author={Egeland, Olav and Balchen, Jens G.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}