“An Adaptive Controller Based upon Continuous Estimation of the Closed Loop Frequency Response”
Authors: Jens G. Balchen and Bernt Lie,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1987, Vol 8, No 4, pp. 223-240.
Keywords: Adaptive control, frequency response, correlation methods, parameter estimation, process control
Abstract: An adaptive control algorithm based upon on-line estimation of the -180 degree shift frequency and the gain margin is investigated. The estimates are found by perturbing the system with a small signal and then correlating the system deviation with the excitation. As only two parameters are estimated, the algorithm is robust. Moreover, the estimator can be applied to non-minimum phase systems, including systems with a varying time-delay. The control algorithm can be of any form as long as there is a functional relationship between the estimated parameters and the control algorithm parameters. To avoid an excessive perturbation signal, the square of the amplitude of this signal is automatically adjusted to a certain ratio of the variance of the error signal. A mathematical analysis of convergence is presented and the theory is confirmed by experimental results.

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title={{An Adaptive Controller Based upon Continuous Estimation of the Closed Loop Frequency Response}},
author={Balchen, Jens G. and Lie, Bernt},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}