“Man-machine interface in a submarine command and weapon control system: features and design experience”
Authors: Johan H. Aas, Karsten Brathen, Erik Nordo and Ole Ø. Ørpen,Affiliation: Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Reference: 1989, Vol 10, No 1, pp. 53-63.
Keywords: Man-machine systems, human factors, underseas systems, prototyping, system analysis, guidance systems, target tracking
Abstract: Important man-machine interface (MMI) issues concerning a submarine command and weapon control system (CWCS) such as crew organization, automation level and decision support are discussed in this paper. Generic submarine CWCS functions and operating conditions are outlined. Detailed, dynamic and real-time prototypes were used to support the MMI design. The prototypes are described and experience with detailed prototyping is discussed. Some of the main interaction principles are summarized and a restricted example of the resulting design is given. Our design experience and current work have been used to outline future perspectives of MMI design in naval CWCSs. The need for both formal and experimental approaches is emphasized.

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title={{Man-machine interface in a submarine command and weapon control system: features and design experience}},
author={Aas, Johan H. and Brathen, Karsten and Nordo, Erik and Ørpen, Ole Ø.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}