“Role of computational efficiency in process simulation”
Authors: Kurt Strand, Håvard Nordhus, Peter Singstad and Magne Hillestad,Affiliation: SINTEF and Statoil
Reference: 1989, Vol 10, No 3, pp. 135-141.
Keywords: Dynamic simulation, integration algorithms, steady state solvers, simulation software
Abstract: It is demonstrated how efficient numerical algorithms may be combined to yield a powerful environment for analysing and simulating dynamic systems. The importance of using efficient numerical algorithms is emphasized and demonstrated through examples from the petrochemical industry.

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title={{Role of computational efficiency in process simulation}},
author={Strand, Kurt and Nordhus, Håvard and Singstad, Peter and Hillestad, Magne},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}