“SIMLAB. A training simulator for emergency preparedness decisions”
Authors: Harald K. Drager, Helge Soma and Roy Gulliksen,Affiliation: Quasar Consultants AS (Oslo)
Reference: 1989, Vol 10, No 3, pp. 143-157.
Keywords: Simulator, emergency, offshore
Abstract: The paper describes an EDP-simulation program package SIMLAB (Simulation Laboratory) which is under development for Esso Norge A/S by A/S Quasar Consultants. SIMLAB is a simulation training course for personnel involved in safety and contingency planning and/or personnel who have operative responsibility for such matters. In order to perform a simulation an offshore platform is modeled with respect to accident development, escapeways etc. Also its surrounding fields and platforms with their rescue resources are included. SIMLAB containts the following program modules:.

[1] DRAGER, K.H., SOMA, H., S. GUINSUBI, R. HOLTERMANN, C. (1988). SIMLAB - Simulated Safety and Contingency Training, OCC-88, Aberdeen Scotland, March 1988.
[2] DRAGER, K.H., SOMA, H.S. (1987). Modelling and simulation of an offshore evacuation and rescue operation, IMACS Symposium on AI, Expert System and Languages in Modelling and Simulation, Barcelona, Spain, June 1987.
[3] DRAGER, K.H. SOMA, H.S. (1987). Optimalisering av beredskapsressurser, NIF-seminar, Trondheim, Norway, Feb. 1987.
[4] DRAGER, K.H., SOMA, H.S. SKOLBEKKEN, J.A. (1987). Simulation of an evacuation process of ships and offshore structures, European Congress of Simulation, Prague, Czechoslovika, Sep. 1987.
[5] SKOLBEKKEN, J.A. DRAGER, K.H. (1987). Trening i beredskapssituasjoner, SIMLAB. NITO-seminar, Oslo, Norway, April 1987.
title={{SIMLAB. A training simulator for emergency preparedness decisions}},
author={Drager, Harald K. and Soma, Helge and Gulliksen, Roy},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}