“HVAC-DYNAMIC: a training simulator for dynamic analysis of HVAC plants”
Authors: Morten Heintz, Vojislav Novakovic, Ommund Øgård and Georg Brustad,Affiliation: SINTEF and CAMO AS, Trondheim
Reference: 1989, Vol 10, No 3, pp. 159-164.
Keywords: Air conditioning, modeling, dynamic analysis, software tool
Abstract: HVAC-DYNAMIC is a software tool for the dynamic simulation of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) plants. The program is designed to be used by HVAC engineers during design or troubleshooting of plants and by plant operators in their training. The program is based on a set of the most-used HVAC plant configurations and requires only a minimum of knowledge in numeric methods and programming. A brief presentation of the program structure and examples showing some of the application of the program are given.

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title={{HVAC-DYNAMIC: a training simulator for dynamic analysis of HVAC plants}},
author={Heintz, Morten and Novakovic, Vojislav and Øgård, Ommund and Brustad, Georg},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}