“Effective use of full scale simulators for training”
Authors: Tahir I. Malik,Affiliation: NorControl Simulation AS
Reference: 1989, Vol 10, No 4, pp. 185-202.
Keywords: Dynamic process simulators, operator training, chemical engineering
Abstract: A full scale process simulator is a type of simulator which is comprehensive in the details of the plant simulated, emulated or replicated. The experience of use of non-nuclear, full scale process simulators is relatively fresh. There is enormous scope for increased or more effective utilization through rationalized analysis carried out from different perspectives or points of view. It is argued that the chemical engineering perspective is of fundamental importance for process plants and may not have been given its due importance so far. The effective use of these, usually large investment, simulators for training is analysed from a chemical engineering view-point and resulting ideas and recommendations presented. Another perspective investigated is that of the simulator designer. The maximum utilization of the simulators will depend upon optimal use of the functions and facilities built in by the designer. The possible use by the instructor or the trainee of the simulator development tools and utilities is discussed. Two examples of full scale simulators are the Gullfaks and Oseberg Production Platform Simulators, operated presently be Statoil and Norsk Hydro respectively and designed and built by NorControl Simulation. These simulators are referred to in the paper as appropriate examples. The most obvious perspectives, that of the instructor and the trainee, are also touched upon. It is argued that human teachers or instructors remain critically important elements in training sessions carried out in the presence of full scale simulators. The effective use of the simulator will depend heavily on the proficiency of the instructors. Speculations are made into the future developments in the methodology of use of simulators.

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title={{Effective use of full scale simulators for training}},
author={Malik, Tahir I.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}