“Analysis of manufacturing based on object oriented discrete event simulation”
Authors: Eirik Borgen, Henning Neerland and Jan O. Strandhagen,Affiliation: SINTEF
Reference: 1990, Vol 11, No 1, pp. 43-47.
Keywords: Discrete event simulation, economical analysis, graphical modeling, object orientation
Abstract: This paper describes SIMMEK, a computer-based tool for performing analysis of manufacturing systems, developed at the Production Engineering Laboratory, NTH-SINTEF. Its main use will be in analysis of job shop type of manufacturing. But certain facilities make it suitable for FMS as well as a production line manufacturing. This type of simulation is very useful in analysis of any types of changes that occur in a manufacturing system. These changes may be investments in new machines or equipment, a change in layout, a change in product mix, use of late shifts, etc. The effects these changes have on for instance the throughput, the amount of VIP, the costs or the net profit, can be analysed. And this can be done before the changes are made, and without disturbing the real system. Simulation takes into consideration, unlike other tools for analysis of manufacturing systems, uncertainty in arrival rates, process and operation times, and machine availability. It also shows the interaction effects a job which is late in one machine, has on the remaining machines in its route through the layout. It is these effects that cause every production plan not to be fulfilled completely. SIMMEK is based on discrete event simulation, and the modeling environment is object oriented. The object oriented models are transformed by an object linker into data structures executable by the simulation kernel. The processes of the entity objects, i.e. the products, are broken down to events and put into an event list. The user friendly graphical modeling environment makes it possible for end users to build models in a quick and reliable way, using terms from manufacturing. Various tests and a check of model logic are helpful functions when testing validity of the models. Integration with software packages, with business graphics and statistical functions, is convenient in the result presentation phase.

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title={{Analysis of manufacturing based on object oriented discrete event simulation}},
author={Borgen, Eirik and Neerland, Henning and Strandhagen, Jan O.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}