“Multivariable robust adaptive controller using reduced-order model”
Authors: Magne Hillestad, C. Sørlie, T.F. Anderson, I. Olsen and Terje Hertzberg,Affiliation: Statoil, NTNU and University of Connecticut
Reference: 1990, Vol 11, No 2, pp. 73-88.
Keywords: Local models, adaptive error estimation, dynamic simulation, batch distillation
Abstract: A general method is developed for predicting the deviation between local and rigorous thermodynamic property models. The method is based on a quadratic error structure. The curvature matrix is updated after each parameter revision. The updating scheme utilizes the observed deviation as a measure for correcting the matrix and thus does not require any additional rigorous model evaluations. A recursive least squares procedure with variable forgetting is adopted for the parameter updating. A local model structure for K-value evaluations is applied in a dynamic simulation model of a batch distillation column. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method are tested for two different mixtures; a nearly ideal and a strongly non-ideal mixture.

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title={{Multivariable robust adaptive controller using reduced-order model}},
author={Hillestad, Magne and Sørlie, C. and Anderson, T.F. and Olsen, I. and Hertzberg, Terje},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}