“An Efficient Pseudo-Inverse Solution to the Inverse Kinematic Problem for 6-Joint Manipulators”
Authors: Stefano Chiaverini and Olav Egeland,Affiliation: University of Napoli and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1990, Vol 11, No 4, pp. 201-222.
Keywords: Robotics, inverse kinematics, singularities
Abstract: The use of the pseudo-inverse Jacobian matrix makes the solution of the inverse kinematic problem well-defined even at singular configurations of the robot arm, in the neighbourhood of a singularity, however, the computed solution often results in high joint velocities which may not be feasible to the real manipulator. Furthermore, the pseudo-inverse solution is computationally expensive, thus preventing real-time applications.

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title={{An Efficient Pseudo-Inverse Solution to the Inverse Kinematic Problem for 6-Joint Manipulators}},
author={Chiaverini, Stefano and Egeland, Olav},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}