“Transient Simulations of Gas-Oil-Water Separation Plants”
Authors: Tor S. Schei, Peter Singstad and Aage J. Thunem,Affiliation: SINTEF
Reference: 1991, Vol 12, No 1, pp. 27-46.
Keywords: Dynamic simulation, oil processing, oil separation
Abstract: A set of mathematical models for the dynamic simulation of offshore processing plants is developed. Each process unit is modeled separately, and the various models are integrated into a system for the simulation of an entire plant. The purpose of the simulation system is to study the effects of various disturbances and investigate appropriate control strategies. Important variables subject to control are pressure, flow rate, temperature, vessel liquid level and compressor speed. In separators the rate of interfacial mass transfer between the liquid and vapour phases at non-equilibrium is modeled as a first order time lag. The vapour liquid equilibrium ratio is linearized with respect to variations in pressure and temperature for each separator stage. A realistic scenario is chosen in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the simulation system.

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title={{Transient Simulations of Gas-Oil-Water Separation Plants}},
author={Schei, Tor S. and Singstad, Peter and Thunem, Aage J.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}