“On the location of LQ-optimal closed-loop poles”
Authors: Carlos Canudas de Wit and Ole J. Sørdalen,Affiliation: Laboratoire d´Automatique de Grenoble (France) and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1992, Vol 13, No 1, pp. 3-14.
Keywords: Control of mobile robots, piecewise continuous controller, non-holonomic constraints, exponential convergence
Abstract: This paper represents an exponentially stable controller for-a-two-degree-of freedom robot with nonholonomic constraints. Although this type of system is open loop controllable, this system has been shown to be nonstabilizable via pure smooth feedback (Brockett 1983, Samson and Ait-Abderrahim 1991). In this paper, a particular class of piecewise continuous controller is shown to stabilize the system exponentially. This controller has the feature that it does not require infinitely fast switching, as required, for example, by sliding controllers.

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title={{On the location of LQ-optimal closed-loop poles}},
author={Canudas de Wit, Carlos and Sørdalen, Ole J.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}