“The realization of a permanent magnet synchronous motor drive with flux weakening”
Authors: Lars Norum, Alf K. Ådnanes, Waldemar Sulkowski and Lars A. Aga,Affiliation: NTNU and ABB
Reference: 1992, Vol 13, No 1, pp. 51-63.
Keywords: PMSM drives, flux weakening, digital control, microcontroller
Abstract: This paper presents the realization and performance of a fully digital permanent magnet synchronous motor drive. A new control algorithm gives maximum torque to current ratio in both the constant torque region and in flux weakening. Inner loop current control and vector modulation with short calculation time are obtained by thc use of look-up tables. The controller is implemented in a singleboard control computer for power electronics systems, which is based on a 16 bit microcontroller.

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title={{The realization of a permanent magnet synchronous motor drive with flux weakening}},
author={Norum, Lars and Ådnanes, Alf K. and Sulkowski, Waldemar and Aga, Lars A.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}