“Computing energy-optimal trajectories for an autonomous underwater vehicle using direct shooting”
Authors: Inge Spangelo and Olav Egeland,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1992, Vol 13, No 3, pp. 163-174.
Keywords: ROV, optimal control, nonlinear programming, direct shooting
Abstract: Energy-optimal trajectories for an autonomous underwater vehicle can be computed using a numerical solution of the optimal control problem. The vehicle is modeled with the six dimensional nonlinear and coupled equations of motion, controlled with DC-motors in all degrees of freedom. The actuators are modeled and controlled with velocity loops. The dissipated energy is expressed in terms of the control variables as a nonquadratic function. Direct shooting methods, including control vector parameterization (CVP) arc used in this study. Numerical calculations are performed and good results are achieved.

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title={{Computing energy-optimal trajectories for an autonomous underwater vehicle using direct shooting}},
author={Spangelo, Inge and Egeland, Olav},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}