“Control of a resonant d.c.-link converter for a.c. motor drives”
Authors: Astrid Petterteig,Affiliation: NTNU
Reference: 1992, Vol 13, No 4, pp. 199-220.
Keywords: Converter, modulation, switching, a.c. motor drive
Abstract: This paper presents the control of the resonant d.c.-link converter for a.c. motor drives. This is a low loss converter with higher efficiency than a conventional PWM converter, but it requires complex control. It needs a special control of the resonant d.c.-link voltage in addition to the discrete control of the a.c. side currents. Simulations show how the control of the a.c. currents, the modulation principle, influences the overall performance of the converter.

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title={{Control of a resonant d.c.-link converter for a.c. motor drives}},
author={Petterteig, Astrid},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}