“A Comparison of Strategies for the Control of a Polypropene Reactor”
Authors: Bernt Lie and Jens G. Balchen,Affiliation: Telemark University College and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1993, Vol 14, No 3, pp. 121-131.
Keywords: Process control, control structures, polymer control
Abstract: Several controller structures for a polypropene reactor system are evaluated, and it is shown that the present controller structure with retuned controller parameters yields very good performance with regards to set point tracking, and suppression of disturbances and model uncertainty. Multivariable LQG control with integral action shows even better results, and would have given excellent performance without some observed limitation in the estimator.

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title={{A Comparison of Strategies for the Control of a Polypropene Reactor}},
author={Lie, Bernt and Balchen, Jens G.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}