“Generalized predictive control of nonlinear systems of the Hammerstein form”
Authors: Wei Wang and Rolf Henriksen,Affiliation: Northeast University of Technology (Shenyang) and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1994, Vol 15, No 4, pp. 253-262.
Keywords: Nonlinear systems, Hammerstein models, predictive control, adaptive control, stability analysis
Abstract: A nonlinear generalized predictive control algorithm based upon a Hammerstein model is presented. Stability of the closed-loop system is analyzed with a control horizon equal to one. An adaptive nonlinear generalized predictive control algorithm with a linear estimator is then proposed. Finally, some results from simulation experiments are presented in order to show the algorithm´s ability.

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title={{Generalized predictive control of nonlinear systems of the Hammerstein form}},
author={Wang, Wei and Henriksen, Rolf},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}