“Approaches for Stereo Matching”
Authors: Takouhi Ozanian,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics and University of Hull, UK
Reference: 1995, Vol 16, No 2, pp. 65-94.
Keywords: Computer vision, binocular stereo, feature selection, correspondence, constraints, matching, energy minimization, parallelism, trinocular stereo
Abstract: This review focuses on the last decade´s development of the computational stereopsis for recovering three-dimensional information. The main components of the stereo analysis are exposed: image acquisition and camera modeling, feature selection, feature matching and disparity interpretation. A brief survey is given of the well known feature selection approaches and the estimation parameters for this selection are mentioned. The difficulties in identifying correspondent locations in the two images are explained. Methods as to how effectively to constrain the search for correct solution of the correspondence problem are discussed, as are strategies for the whole matching process. Reasons for the occurrence of matching errors are considered. Some recently proposed approaches, employing new ideas in the modeling of stereo matching in terms of energy minimization, are described. Acknowledging the importance of computation time for real-time applications, special attention is paid to parallelism as a way to achieve the required level of performance. The development of trinocular stereo analysis as an alternative to the conventional binocular one, is described. Finally a classification based on the test images for verification of the stereo matching algorithms, is supplied.

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title={{Approaches for Stereo Matching}},
author={Ozanian, Takouhi},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}