“Mechanical Analysis of high precision manipulator”
Authors: Ole J. Elle, K. Johnsen and Terje K. Lien,Affiliation: NTNU
Reference: 1995, Vol 16, No 4, pp. 233-241.
Keywords: Manipulator, mechanism analysis, deflection, dynamics, resonance frequency
Abstract: It is of great importance that high precision manipulators are well designed from a mechanical point of view. A thorough analysis of all mechanical aspects concerning an accurate manipulator will make a good basis for further design. This paper presents a new approach to mechanical analysis of high-precision manipulators. A typical six axis anthropomorphic manipulator configuration is chosen as a model for the analysis. The paper is divided into two main parts; static deformation analysis and dynamic analysis. The static deformation analysis consists of three sub-parts; link deformation, joint deformation and total mechanical deformation. A simple fixed beam deformation model is used to simulate every link. Both specific gravity and a load attached at the end of the beam is considered. By varying material, outer dimensions and wall thickness it is possible to determine optimal values. Looking at the whole structure with an attacking force at the end, it is possible to select appropriate motor/transmission combinations. Each combination represents compliance and combined with the arm compliance the total deformation can be found. The result shows that deformation due to compliance in the joints represents 97.

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title={{Mechanical Analysis of high precision manipulator}},
author={Elle, Ole J. and Johnsen, K. and Lien, Terje K.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}