“Robust performance in dynamic positioning systems”
Authors: Erling Johannessen and Olav Egeland,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1996, Vol 17, No 2, pp. 75-86.
Keywords: Dynamic positioning, surface vessels, robust performance, structured singular value, multivariable frequency analysis
Abstract: Robust performance of dynamic positioning of surface vessels is considered. The structured singular value, mu, is used as a robustness measure. A tight uncertainty description of the wave disturbance model and performance weight matrices based on physical insight is presented. Two controllers are analysed: a decentralized PD controller with notch filters and an LGQ based controller. Performance of the control systems is shown to be sensitive with respect to changes in the dominating wave frequency, omega_0.

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title={{Robust performance in dynamic positioning systems}},
author={Johannessen, Erling and Egeland, Olav},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}