“Control, Operator Support and Safety System of PVC-reactors”
Authors: Jens I. Ytreeide, Olav Aaker, Vidar Kristoffersen, Geir Moe and Christian Naustdal,Affiliation: Telemark University College and Norsk Hydro
Reference: 1997, Vol 18, No 1, pp. 5-17.
Keywords: Parallel control, fault detection, extended Kalman filter, process reliability
Abstract: In modern petrochemical plants the corporate and societal demands to plant safety and minimum environmental effects are high. These demands rise high performance requirements to the technical systems, specially the process control and safety systems including an effective operator support system with fault detection capability. The systems must have high reliability also against erroneous operations which may cause shutdown situations or quality deviations.

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title={{Control, Operator Support and Safety System of PVC-reactors}},
author={Ytreeide, Jens I. and Aaker, Olav and Kristoffersen, Vidar and Moe, Geir and Naustdal, Christian},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}