“Multi-purpose process simulators”
Authors: Ommund Øgård and Tor I. Eikaas,Affiliation: SINTEF
Reference: 1997, Vol 18, No 2, pp. 89-100.
Keywords: Dynamic simulation, operator training, simulation architecture
Abstract: The first part of this paper describes a multi-purpose dynamic simulator for the Heidrun oil production plant. The simulator integrates a commercial dynamic simulation model with the actual process control system to enable dynamic simulation, control system verification and operator training within the same framework and based on the same models and configuration data. The control system configuration can be imported directly into the simulator. This simplifies simulator maintenance and ensure consistency between the simulator and the real plant. The entire system runs on standard Unix work stations. The simulator has so far been used for initial operator training, control system verification and controller tuning.

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title={{Multi-purpose process simulators}},
author={Øgård, Ommund and Eikaas, Tor I.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}