“A State Space Model for the Wood Chip Refining Model”
Authors: David Di Ruscio and Jens G. Balchen,Affiliation: Telemark University College and NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1997, Vol 18, No 3, pp. 219-237.
Keywords: Mathematical models, fibers, distribution, disk refiners, time, radius, thermomechanical pulping
Abstract: A detailed dynamic model of the fibre size distribution between the refiner discs, distributed along the refiner radius, is presented. Both one- and two-dimensional descriptions for the fibre or shive geometry are given. It is shown that this model may be simplified and that analytic solutions exist under non-restrictive assumptions. A direct method for the recursive estimation of unknown parameters is presented. This method is applicable to linear or linearized systems which have a triangular structure.

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title={{A State Space Model for the Wood Chip Refining Model}},
author={Di Ruscio, David and Balchen, Jens G.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}