“Nonlinear oscillations in coriolis based gyroscopes”
Authors: Dag Kristiansen and Olav Egeland,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1999, Vol 20, No 1, pp. 27-62.
Keywords: Cylinder gyroscopes, nonlinear vibrations, energy transfer
Abstract: In this paper we model and analyze nonlinear oscillations which are known to exist in some Coriolis based gyroscopes due to large amplitude excitation in the drive loop. A detailed derivation of a dynamic model for a cylinder gyroscope which includes geometric nonlinearities is given, and energy transfer between the system´s modes are analyzed using perturbation theory and by proposing a simplified model. The model is also simulated, and the results are shown to give an accurate description of the experimental results. This work is done in order to gain a better understanding of the gyroscope´s dynamics, and is intended to be a starting point for designing nonlinear observers and vibration controllers for the gyroscope in order to increase the performance.

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title={{Nonlinear oscillations in coriolis based gyroscopes}},
author={Kristiansen, Dag and Egeland, Olav},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}