“Constrained quadratic stabilization of discrete-time uncertain nonlinear multi-model systems using piecewise affine state-feedback”
Authors: Olav Slupphaug and Bjarne A. Foss,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 1999, Vol 20, No 3, pp. 137-164.
Keywords: Constrained control, nonlinear control, robust control, multi-model systems, BMI control, MPC, receeding horizon control, moving horizon control
Abstract: In this paper a method for nonlinear robust stabilization based on solving a bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) feasibility problem is developed. Robustness against model uncertainty is handled. In different non-overlapping regions of the state-space called clusters the plant is assumed to be an element in a polytope which vertices (local models) are affine systems. In the clusters containing the origin in their closure, the local models are restricted to be linear systems. The clusters cover the region of interest in the state-space. An affine state-feedback is associated with each cluster. By utilizing the affinity of the local models and the state-feedback, a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) combined with a single nonconvex BMI are obtained which, if feasible, guarantee quadratic stability of the origin of the closed-loop. The feasibility problem is attacked by a branch-and-bound based global approach. If the feasibility check is successful, the Liapunov matrix and the piecewise affine state-feedback are given directly by the feasible solution. Control constraints are shown to be representable by LMIs or BMIs, and an application of the control design method to robustify constrained nonlinear model predictive control is presented. Also, the control design method is applied to a simple example.

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title={{Constrained quadratic stabilization of discrete-time uncertain nonlinear multi-model systems using piecewise affine state-feedback}},
author={Slupphaug, Olav and Foss, Bjarne A.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}