“Global Practical Stabilization and Tracking for an Underactuated Ship - A Combined Averaging and Backstepping Approach”
Authors: Kristin Y. Pettersen and Henk Nijmeijer,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics and University of Twente, Netherlands
Reference: 1999, Vol 20, No 4, pp. 189-200.
Keywords: Time-varying control, exponential convergence, underactuated surface vessels
Abstract: We solve both the global practical stabilization and tracking problem for an underactuated ship, using a combined integrator backstepping and averaging approach. Exponential convergence to an arbitrarily small neighbourhood of the origin and of the reference trajectory, respectively, is proved. Simulation results are included.

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title={{Global Practical Stabilization and Tracking for an Underactuated Ship - A Combined Averaging and Backstepping Approach}},
author={Pettersen, Kristin Y. and Nijmeijer, Henk},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}