“Stabilization of a Pitch Axis Flight Control Experiment with Input Rate Saturation”
Authors: Trygve Lauvdal and Richard M. Murray,Affiliation: ABB and California Institute of Technology
Reference: 1999, Vol 20, No 4, pp. 225-240.
Keywords: Rate saturation, nonlinear control, ducted fan
Abstract: Motivated by some specific problems in flight control and roll stabilization of ships, we present a technique for stabilizing a chain of integrators in the presence of rate limitations on the input. Our technique improves on several existing techniques in the literature and has a number of interesting features. The controller is evaluated experimentally on a pitch axis flight control experiment at Caltech. The experimental results show that even in the presence of rate limits that cause a linear controller to go unstable, the time-varying controller stabilizes the system with minimal loss in performance.

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title={{Stabilization of a Pitch Axis Flight Control Experiment with Input Rate Saturation}},
author={Lauvdal, Trygve and Murray, Richard M.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}