“Thirty Years of Research on the Application of Cybernetic Methods in Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology”
Authors: Jens G. Balchen,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2000, Vol 21, No 1, pp. 3-64.
Keywords: Cybernetics, Fisheries technology, Aquaculture, Ocean ranching, Mathematical modeling, Ocean systems, Model identification, Fish behavior, Control of fish behavior, Instrumentation and biotelemetry, lobster culture
Abstract: The paper surveys the research activities at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, in the application of cybernetic principles in fisheries technology, aqua-culture technology and ocean ranching during the period 1969-1999. It is believed that the results obtained in these activities will have an impact upon the future developments in one of the most important sectors of the Norwegian economy. Numerous reports and publications are listed in the comprehensive bibliography.

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[3] Kai Lorenzen (2008), doi:10.1080/10641260701790291 |
[4] Ketil Eiane and Domenico Parisi (2001), doi:10.1080/00364827.2001.10420486 |
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title={{Thirty Years of Research on the Application of Cybernetic Methods in Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology}},
author={Balchen, Jens G.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}