“Evaluation of Dynamic Models of Distillation Columns with Emphasis on the Initial Response”
Authors: Bernd Wittgens and Sigurd Skogestad,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Chemical Engineering
Reference: 2000, Vol 21, No 2, pp. 83-103.
Keywords: Distillation dynamics, tray hydraulics, experimental response
Abstract: The flow dynamics (tray hydraulics) are of key importance for the initial dynamic response of distillation columns. The most important parameters are the liquid holdup, the liquid hydraulic time constant and the vapor constant representing the initial effect of a change in vapor flow on liquid flow. In the paper we present methods for determining these parameters experimentally, and compare the results with estimates from available correlations such as the Francis Weir formula.

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title={{Evaluation of Dynamic Models of Distillation Columns with Emphasis on the Initial Response}},
author={Wittgens, Bernd and Skogestad, Sigurd},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}