“Linear MPC with Optimal Prioritized Infeasibility Handling: Application, Computational Issues and Stability”
Authors: Jostein Vada, Olav Slupphaug, Tor A. Johansen and Bjarne A. Foss,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Reference: 2001, Vol 22, No 4, pp. 243-256.
Keywords: Model based control: infeasibility handling; linear programming; linear systems
Abstract: All practical MPC implementations should have a means to recover from infeasibility. We present a recently developed infeasibility handler which computes optimal relaxations of the relaxable constraints subject to a user-defined prioritization, by solving only a single linear program on-line in addition to the standard quadratic programming problem on-line. A stability result for this infeasibility handler combined with the Rawlings-Muske MPC controller is provided, and various practical and computational issues are discussed. From a simulated FCCU main fractionator case study, we conclude that the proposed strategy for designing the proposed infeasibility handler is applicable on problems of realistic size.

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title={{Linear MPC with Optimal Prioritized Infeasibility Handling: Application, Computational Issues and Stability}},
author={Vada, Jostein and Slupphaug, Olav and Johansen, Tor A. and Foss, Bjarne A.},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}