“Adaptive Tracking Control of an Electro-Pneumatic Clutch Actuator”
Authors: Glenn-Ole Kaasa and Masanori Takahashi,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics and Ariake National College of Technology (Japan)
Reference: 2003, Vol 24, No 4, pp. 217-229.
Keywords: adaptive tracking control, high-gain feedback, electro-pneumatic clutch actuation
Abstract: This paper deals with the application of a simple adaptive algorithm for robust tracking control of an electro-pneumatic clutch actuator with output feedback. We present a mathematical model of the strongly nonlinear system, and implement an adaptive algorithm, based on a parallel feedforward compensator (PFC) to remove the relative-degree-1 restriction. We propose a practical method of constructing the PFC, and introduce a simple modification that removes an inherent restriction on bandwidth of the nonlinear system. We show that the adaptive algorithm deals well with nonlinearities, and we achieve tracking corresponding to a settling-time of 150 ms.

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title={{Adaptive Tracking Control of an Electro-Pneumatic Clutch Actuator}},
author={Kaasa, Glenn-Ole and Takahashi, Masanori},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}