“Simple analytic rules for model reduction and PID controller tuning”
Authors: Sigurd Skogestad,Affiliation: NTNU, Department of Chemical Engineering
Reference: 2004, Vol 25, No 2, pp. 85-120.
Keywords: Process control. feedback control, IMC, PI-control, integrating process, time delay
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present analytic rules for PID controller tuning that are simple and still result in good closed-loop behavior. The starting point has been the IMC-PID tuning rules that have achieved widespread industrial acceptance. The rule for the integral term has been modified to improve disturbance rejection for integrating processes. Furthermore, rather than deriving separate rules for each transfer function model, there is a just a single tuning rule for a first-order or second-order time delay model. Simple analytic rules for model reduction are presented to obtain a model in this form, including the ´half rule´ for obtaining the effective time delay.

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title={{Simple analytic rules for model reduction and PID controller tuning}},
author={Skogestad, Sigurd},
journal={Modeling, Identification and Control},
publisher={Norwegian Society of Automatic Control}